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Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Hosting the King

I saw a movie the other day, most of you might recognize this scene; the movie is in the backdrop of slavery in the USA.  So understand when I say when this man walked up to a slave, bought him and then made him his equal business colleague.  Now this was unheard of and whenever he visited anyone they would speak up against what they saw as madness.  The buyer of this ex-slave just always had the same response "he is a free man and his freedom was bought by me, so he is to be treated as an extension of myself."  This got me thinking that since God bought our freedom with Christ's blood... how are we treating one another?  I mean... Christ died for every single person out there.  We are made free by His blood.  Which means we should all be treated as an extension of God Himself.  Matthew 25:40 "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'  Now that says it all! How do we treat those around us... would you treat God the same way you treat your fellow man?? and if not... we definitely need to change our ways!

1 comment:

  1. This scene was taken from the movie Django Unchained. Just as a reminder... whatever movie you are watching, look at it through the Spirit... you will be amazed what revelations lies in the movies we watch everyday! Just please always verify what you have learned in a movie, with scripture... ALWAYS!
